Your Story – Millie, the Border Collie & Usain Bolt, the Greyhound

The bond that we have with our beloved pets is so special and unique from owner to owner. When they become ill or injured it can be a very worrying time, not just the unknown of how poorly your pet could be but also the potential costs associated with making them better again.

Here at The Insurance Emporium our pet insurance comes in all shapes and sizes, meaning owners can select a policy that meets the needs of them and their pets best. Dog or Cat, we could have you covered.

Our Customer, Annette:

We recently caught up with our customer, Annette, to find out more about her two dogs and her experience with making a claim on her pet insurance.

“I have two dogs, both insured with The Insurance Emporium, my greyhound Usain Bolt who is 7 and my border collie Millie who is 6.

I haven’t had a greyhound before and one of the girls at work has a brother who was part of a syndicate and owned and raced Usain. When Usain, (the dog, not the Olympian) was retired he needed a retirement home and as soon as I heard I had to have him, he is the most loving docile boy.

He is quite literally a life saver as he gives blood and has saved many doggies lives.

Then there’s Millie, our mad border collie that chases anything that flies; aeroplanes, birds and butterflies.. She goes to doggy day care three days a week to get rid of some of her energy.”

Choosing Pet Insurance:

“The reason I wanted to have pet insurance for both dogs is because Millie is so daft and runs around so much, I was worried she would hurt herself. As for Usain, with his long skinny legs, I was worried he would hurt his legs especially when he does his zoomies.

I had Millie insured with another insurer for years, but they got far too expensive. Having searched on Google I found The Insurance Emporium and I managed to insure them for the same price for both of them.”

Annette’s Pet Insurance Experience:

“I have made two separate claims with The Insurance Emporium. First of all, it was for Millie. She had a very bad cut in her side which she got while in the garden, unfortunately, we didn’t see what happened but believe she must have run onto a sharp stick that pierced her side. I only realised something was wrong when she started licking it and as it was so deep, she had to have an operation.

The other claim was for Usain, again in our garden he went out and we think he tripped up some steps we have outside and badly injured both front legs and he also needed an operation.

With both claims I filled in a claim form which was sent to me, and the vet completed them and sent them directly to The Insurance Emporium. Both claims were successful and paid very quickly to the vet which I thought was very impressive!

I was so impressed my sister who also has a greyhound is now insured through The Insurance Emporium.”

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We offer a variety of cover levels, so please check the policy cover suits your needs before purchasing. For your protection, please ensure you read the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) and policy wording, for information on policy exclusions and limitations.