Your Story – Jane & Raven, Horse Insurance

Some people are happy to keep the number of pets they own to a minimum, after all, even having one still requires a lot of our time and money and is a big responsibility. However, sometimes there are people who are devoted to ensuring that even as animals get older, they can still enjoy their time with us, and they take care of as many pets as they can manage.

Our customer, Jane, is a big advocate for ensuring pets are well looked after, especially those who are in their golden years. She currently has Raven, who is a black, Purebred Fell pony and Alfie, a Clydesdale Cross, both of which she adopted from the RSPCA.

And if that wasn’t heart-warming enough, she also has seven cats, a dog, and is currently fostering two kittens.

Choosing Horse Insurance

Having had horses for over 40 years, Jane knows all too well how expensive it can be to ensure they remain fit and healthy, as well as the costs of veterinary care. Recognising she wouldn’t have the money to cover the bigger veterinary bills, she likes to know she’s covered with horse insurance.

Jane’s Horse Insurance Experience

Earlier this year, Raven developed a hoof abscess. This caused an ongoing hoof problem, leaving her with a big hole in her foot. In addition, the vet also tested for Cushing’s disease, fortunately, this came back negative.

Raven is now having remedial farriery and will have a temporary shoe fitted until her foot has fully healed.

Jane says she ‘found the whole process of making a claim very straightforward’. She was ‘well informed throughout each stage of the process.’

The care and attention that goes into looking after our pets is as important when they get older as when they were young. Like their human parents, they can be more susceptible to certain conditions as they get older. Here at The Insurance Emporium, we offer Veteran Horse Insurance for horses aged 20 years and over, with Death Due To External Visible Accidental Injury Only, Theft Or Straying as a standard benefit and Vet’s Fees For External Visible Accidental Injury only, Colic Cover – Death & Vet Fees are some of the optional benefits.

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We offer a variety of cover levels, so please check the policy cover suits your needs before purchasing. For your protection, please ensure you read the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) and policy wording, for information on policy exclusions and limitations.