It’s Pasta Joke For Garfield – Can Cats Really Eat Lasagne?

Posted on May 9, 2024 at 3:56 pm by The Insurance Emporium

It’s fair to say that we’re a nation of pet lovers with over half of the UK’s population owning a pet. Dogs are the most common pet with 36% of Brits owning one while 29% of households own a cat. With many of us pet owners, over recent years we’ve seen a growing trend of […]

Tags: Cats, Pet Poisoning, Toxic Food, What Food Can Cats Eat

DIY Cat Toys: How to Make Your Own Cat Toys

Posted on November 6, 2023 at 12:35 pm by The Insurance Emporium

Cats are natural hunters, and despite the fact they’ve been domesticated for a long time, they’re still not that far away from their ancestors. The instinct to hunt, chase and catch is deeply ingrained. So, if you want a happy cat, it’s best to make sure they’re getting the stimulation they need. We all know […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats, pet

Can I Take My Pet to the Vet During Lockdown?

Posted on April 30, 2020 at 3:47 pm by The Insurance Emporium

Due to the current government-imposed lockdown, it can be difficult to know what we can and can’t do, especially when it comes to our pets. At The Insurance Emporium, we want to make sure pet owners understand the best ways they can look after their pets at this difficult time. That’s why we’ve put together […]

Tags: cat, cat health, cat ownership, Cats, dog, dog health, dog ownership, pet, pet health, pets

The Importance of Microchipping Your Cat

Posted on January 20, 2020 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

As cat owners, we never want to have to think about our feline friends going missing. Unfortunately, these things can and do happen! At The Insurance Emporium, we’ve noticed some news stories about cats being rehomed before their owners have found them! In 2016, a new law came into effect which made microchipping your dog […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats

Pets and Kids: how to make it work

Posted on November 25, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Whether you grow to become a dog or a cat person, growing up with pets can be a really rewarding experience for children. A pet can be a child’s best friend, teaching them compassion, empathy and responsibility! To keep a happy home, though, it’s important to establish the right relationship between your kids and your […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet safety, pets

Common Cat Illnesses and how to Spot them

Posted on November 13, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Sharing your home with a cat can lead to some magical adventures for you and your furry friend! However, no matter how much they’re looked after, all cats can fall ill at some point in their lives. To help you notice the signs of a poorly kitty, we’ve put together our guide to common cat […]

Tags: cat, cat health, cat insurance, cat ownership, Cats

Urinary Obstruction in Cats and Dogs

Posted on November 12, 2019 at 11:08 am by The Insurance Emporium

For pet owners, it can be difficult seeing your furry friend become ill, in pain and discomfort. This can sometimes be the case with lower urinary tract obstruction, a life-threatening problem that can affect both cats and dogs. We’ve spoken to our pet health expert about urinary obstructions in pets, the symptoms, and what to […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats, dog, dog health, dog ownership, pet, pet health, pets


Posted on October 8, 2019 at 11:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Introducing a new feline friend into the family can be the start of a magical new adventure, but not everyone might be quite so enthusiastic about the addition! If you already share your home with a cat, introducing another to the house could prove stressful for your four-legged friend. At The Insurance Emporium, we know […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats, pets


Posted on September 28, 2019 at 11:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

As time goes on, healthcare is consistently improving, and this is no different when it comes to our cats and dogs! With the rise of technology, veterinary care is improving too, allowing us to provide more effective treatments when our furry friends have an accident or fall ill. At The Insurance Emporium, we know how […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health, pets


Posted on September 5, 2019 at 11:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Training comes part and parcel of being a dog owner, but outside of basic litter training, much fewer people think of coaching their cat! Training cats to behave, however, isn’t quite as difficult as many seem to think. With a little bit of hard work and a lot of patience, you can even teach your […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats, pet

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